A fun experiment with different patterns combined with one another. I printed four 'official' prints, each with three riso layers. Because I think the best patterns are the ones that are super unexpected, I printed on square paper and printed all riso layers randomly on top of one another. I had 12 layers to combine with one another, 12x12 types of patterns I could create (not counting me turning around the paper & trying different colors!). These are the ones I really liked and enjoyed. I really think working in this experimental way is a good way to create something unique and original, and letting happy mistakes creep into my work. It's also very important to me to keep that imperfect 'handmade' touch!
Ellis Tolsma
Illustrator & animator
+316 40818727
(call only for urgent inquiries)
Studio Adress
Grave van Solmsstraat 2
3515EN Utrecht
The Netherlands