I applied to an Open Call in Utrecht that was asking for local artists to transform the electicity boxes in the neighbourhood. I got assigned a box near my studio workspace, and decided that this beautiful location needed some color and bold shapes! My design turned into a vibrant and graphic depiction filled with birds and plants. Through conversations with the local residents, it became clear that they have a strong appreciation for greenery, color, and birds. I combined these elements into a bright and lively illustration to align with their preferences. During the painting everyone was super nice & lovely, and even gave me small gifts to thank me for changing the old, grey box to something colorful. I'm really thankful for getting to do this!
Ellis Tolsma
Illustrator & animator
+316 40818727
(call only for urgent inquiries)
Studio Adress
Grave van Solmsstraat 2
3515EN Utrecht
The Netherlands