  • 2024
  • Digital
  • Commissioned
  • Editorial cover


A cover illustration for the Boekman Stichting,  a knowledge center for art and culture and the policies that surround them. This edition of their monthly magazine was about financing art, and the way artists and art financiers deal with money. I was asked to illustrate the cover. The always use a border and within that i could design something about the topic. With this I illustrated dollar/euro bills and in between them I hid some actual 'art pieces', making the money and the art interchangeable with one another. So I made money art, and art money :) 


Ellis Tolsma

Illustrator & animator

+316 40818727

(call only for urgent inquiries)


Studio Adress

Grave van Solmsstraat 2

3515EN Utrecht

The Netherlands

A small cat with a soft, light grey coat and a pink bow gazes upward, resembling the whimsical style of a colorful riso print. Set against a white backdrop, its features pop like an illustration by an Utrecht-based motion designer.